Saturday, August 16, 2008

I woke up around midnight to the entire house shaking... an earthquake!! I just stayed in bed until it was over, but there was nothing to worry about... it was a small one.

Some of the students have already arrived, so I've had the chance to meet some of the freshmen I'll be teaching. I really enjoy playing volleyball with them each afternoon.

The classes I'll be teaching have changed a bit... here's the updated list of what I'll be doing:

Algebra I
General Science
English I
Physical Education I
Intramurals/Coaching for the ISL Games
9th Grade Advising

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed for my first time teaching, haha... so wish me luck and keep me in your prayers.


Anna said...

i wish i were there playing volleyball with your crazy face!!! you're gonna rock that teaching, they won't know what hit them ^_^

KUBAR said...

Hey Leah! It's Jay. Didn't get a chance to say bye before I left. Came across your blogg and I think it's really cool! Hang in there, it's overwhelming but I think your a pretty capable person. All the best and looking forward to more stories!

Sean Fitzgerald said...

first of all i'm not midwest birder. that's false. i'm karen e. wilson and dang proud of it.

secondly, i miss you. a lot. i'm currently sitting in the fitzgerald's kitchen and missing you like crazy

thirdly, you should probably update this thing. i'll just end up worrying about your whereabouts and what crimes you are most likely committing.

well, i hope things are going well and you're not too stressed out. but you also need to come back soon. sean and i miss you. thanks.

Lowie said...

you rock and I miss you... update this... i've added a link to my blog and now will check it !


Anonymous said...


I found your blog sometimes ago as it gave me most detail news of emmaus hight school which I graduated in 1987. Yeah long ago, I was originally from Taiwan and attend EHS for 4 years, first probably the only foringer at the time.

It was greatest 4 years of my life. Was your uncle Billy used to be the principal of Emmaus High School? He was the Principal of ehs when I was there.

Time flies...!!

Lin Shih

Dick V said...

I taught at Emmaus from 1976-78--it was great to read your story. I have great memories of Billy and Theo also. I've been a teacher for over 30 years and got my start in Palau. It was a great experience for me.

Dick V

Dick V said...

By the way--any Emmaus staff or alums from 1976-78--I'd love to hear from you!

Dick V

bathmate said...

As always an excellent posting.The
way you write is awesome.Thanks. Adding more information will be more useful.
